
A Christmas Poem

Today I have felt ever so poorly, I came home from guide camp then I felt awful. I was then sent home from work, so today’s post will have to be a little one I’m afraid. Unfortunately I don’t have time to write what I ordiginally have planned so today I thought I would share with you this lovely poem I found and now love….

Our Christmas tree, stood straight and tall, We had it standing in the hall, With decorations, sparkling bright, And baubles, glittering in the light, Rich tinsel laced around branches wide, With bells and bows, that could be spied Hiding among the dark green pine, In silver and gold, boldly they did shine, And at the very top, such a wondrous sight, A star was placed there, which gave delight. The whole effect so pleasured the eye. We planted it outside, now it’s 18 feet high. This year it will once again, be a thrill, Hung with big coloured lights, in the crisp winter chill

This poem was written by the poet Ernestine Northover on the 25th March 1943. I love it and it really makes me feel festive and cosy! 

Hope you like this poem as much as I do, sorry it’s only a little post but fingers crossed I’ll be back to normal tomorow! 

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx


My Top Festive Foods And Drinks

It’s blogmas day 11! We are nearly at the half way mark! Are you enjoying your December so far? I would love to hear about what your all getting up to!

For me one of my favourite things about Christmas is the food and drink! Me and Liam have a Christmas hamper full of goodies that we keep in the living room, so we can munch as much as we like during this merry season! This changes all the time as we are constantly re filling it with new yummy foods and drinks to replace the ones we have eaten!

Today I am going to be sharing with you my favourite treats for this time of year, what are your favourites? What shall I add to our hamper?


As you may or may not know, I absolutely love gingerbread! And this time of year is full off gingerbread! While I absolutely love making my super easy gingerbread, you can find the recipe here. And these are definitely in my top foods. Mr Kipling released a few years ago gingerbread whirls. These are exactly like their traditional Viennese whirls but in my opinion a million times more tasty! They are gingerbread flavoured! Get in my belly!
In our family we have a tradition of always giving each other a Cadbury selection box for Christmas. For me Christmas would not be Christmas without selection boxes. I love them and it’s something I will continue to love.

If you can’t have chocolate for Breakfast on Christmas Morning … when can you?

Sticking with a chocolate theme. I bloody love a Terry’s chocolate orange. I know you can buy these all year round for me it’s a Christmas treat! I love that you have to smash it open and all the little segments break apart. I always think they smell amazing aswell! So festive and scrumpy!


Got chocolates are 100% my favourite Christmas drink! I love filling my mug with squirts creams, marshmallows and anything else I can find to top it all off, however to make it super festive I have been sprinkling a little bit of cinnamon on the top. This is a lovely touch and really makes it feel even more Christmassy.

I love the Vimto drink you can buy, and at Christmas time they always release a winter spice flavoured Vimto. It is recommended you serve this hot and it’s the perfect way to warm up on a cold December day. I love this drink and will be super sad when they stop selling it again. Best I start stocking up on it!

Finally I thought I would end this post on an alcoholic drink, as I can’t lie these are usually my go to Christmas celebration drink. I love drinking port and lemonade during the month of December. It’s not my usual go to drink however there is something really special and Christmassy about it. It tastes just like Ribenna and Wally is super yummy. I love this drink and I will defiantly be drinking lots of it the closer we get to Christmas!

And that the end of blogmas day 11! December is going super fast for me this year!

Hope you are all well and having a lovely festive season!

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx


A Festive Flat Tour

As some of you may know this year is mine and liams first Christmas in our flat. We have absolutely loved decorating the flat out for Christmas and I am super pleased with our decorations and how the flat looks. I thought I would share with you what our flat looks like all christmassy, maybe it will give you some inspiration or if your like me you will enjoy looking at and being nosy at our festive flat.

Our living room is mainly where we spend our time so we kept this room as the main decorated room. we have our tree here too. If you would like to see a more in depth tree tour click the link here.

IMG_3897ill start of by showing you how we have decorated our storage heater, do not worry we are not using this heater so its absolutely perfectly safe to decorate it. We chose to use some silver tinsel and I added a home made snowman a little sign another snowman,a jar of tiny baubles and lastly a winter spice reed diffuser. I love this little set up.


On my out TV unit we have decorated it with a few little ornaments too, we have also IMG_3931filled a big glass vase with baubles and lights. its so simple but I think it looks so pretty and festive.I found this glittery sign in a local IMG_3932shop and I love how these looks side by side. On the other side of the unit, I have placed a light up snowman and father Christmas, a nativity scene and another home made fairy decoration.

Our living room has a big bay window so we filled that with lots of festive bits and bobs. Including a singing Santa and snowman sweet container and candy canes. I love IMG_3938these three together and I especially love all the yummy treats we can fill the snowman’s belly with. to fill the rest of this large space we decided to put up another tree in the centre. This is a little 2ft tree from B&M bargains, I brought this last year but I am sure you can find these pretty much anywhere. we decorated this with gold IMG_3941baubles and red beading.the tree has built in lights too which we found so helpful and convenient. To finish this space of we hung a tinsel stocking and a Christmas hat in the window and hung some red tinsel aswell. I think this is my favourite little nook of the flat at the minute.

Next to the main Christmas tree we have a huge IMG_3943shelving unit. this is pretty full with all our junk so I didn’t have much space to turn christmassy. So I just placed a glittery sign that says “let it snow” and placed these three little guys. more on these on my Christmas decorations haul post. And to finish of our living room we brought some fleece blankets IMG_3947super cheap from the original factory shop for £4 each to cover our sofas. these are not the best quality but I love how they look and they do make the sofa super cosy.

And that is our living room full of Christmas and I love it! if you would like to see any more of our Christmas flat tour then let me know. I didn’t want this post to be too long you see.

If you have not seen my last post then you can find it here. I hope your having a wonderful December full of lots of Christmas activities and festivities. I would love to hear all about it.

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xxx



Chritstmas Tree Tour

For todays post, I thought I would give you a mini tour of my Christmas tree! I love seeing other people trees so I thought I would share mine.

Here is an over view of our tree, we decided  not to have tinsel on our tree as we personally feel they look cluttered with tinsel on. but we do have tinsel dotted about the flat, after all what’s Christmas if it doesn’t have tinsel! We have a mix of battery and mains operated lights and we love this, we like the warmth of lights too they make the room feel ever so cosy and we love that!


I thought I would also show you a few of my favourite Christmas tree decorations we have on the tree.


We got four of these acrylic Christmas trees super cheap! and I love the simplicity of them. They look like glass on the tree and the lights twinkle through them, I find myself often looking at these Decorations.


As we don’t have tinsel on our tree I have tied bows around a few of the branches to fill up some of the gaps. I especially love this one. Its an old red glittery ribbon and I have tied this guardian angel on it, this was a gift that I was given a few years ago it was originally on a keying but it unfortunately broke so this has a lot of sentimental value.

IMG_3877This Stag head looks so lovely hidden in all the lights, I like that he is a little bit hidden so its lie a little game to find him. I wish I brought more of him now as I have a massive soft spot for him.


When I first found these little white snow flakes at my local scout hut I fell in love with them, they are made from a felt kind of material and I loved the simplicity of them. I wish I knew where these where from as I would love to cover my tree in them next year. if anyone knows where to find them let me know!

IMG_3875I love love LOVE this decoration. I love the grey and white on it as I think these colours always looks so lovely next to each other. I love the shape of it and I just think its so simple and pretty. this always brings a smile to my face! IMG_3874

Who does not like glitter? and who does not like glitter especially at Christmas time! I love these silver baubles so much I think they are my favourite baubles I have ever had!



To top our tree we opted for a star, I have never had a star on top of a tree before as I have always had an angel, I love this white star even though its very big and heavy and pulls on the tree, haha I like that it gives our tree and little bit of a personality. Our star had little flecks of green tinsel in it and I love that it gives a subtle bit of colour.


Hope your enjoying my blogmas so far! did you see my last post? I am loving reading all your Christmassy post so don’t forget to send me your links!

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xxx



A Christmas Tag!

So its the first day of Blogmas and I thought this would be an excellent way of starting the whole thing off! below I have created a new Christmas tag for 2017. I hope you enjoy looking through my answers and I cant wait to read yours! 

the Rules are Simple:

  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag 3 to 5 Bloggers to do the tag and leave there links
  • Leave the link to the post of the person that tagged you
  • Share on twitter when you have completed it using the #Christmascheer in your tweet, so we can easily find everyone’s posts!  ❤


1. What is your favourite Christmas movie? 

Love Actually or Elf I cant choose!

2.Do you like to stay in Pyjamas or Dress up for Christmas day?

I like dressing up for Christmas lunch then comfy festive Pyjamas for the rest of day.

3.If you could only buy one person a present this year who would it be and why?

I would only buy for Liam because he puts up with me all year so would love to show him how much that means to me.

4.Do you open your present Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?

Christmas morning, usually very VERY early.

5.Have you ever built a ginger bread house?

Yes it failed, maybe ill try again this year?

6.What are you most looking forward to this christmas season?

100% cosy nights in eating lots of food and watching Christmas TV

7.Any Christmas wishes?

I wish for a month of utter and complete happiness

8. Favourite Christmas smell?

Either Gingerbread or winter spices.

9. Favourite Christmas meal or treat?

ALL of them but I love anything Gingerbread this time of year.

10. How do you traditionally spend your Christmas day?

Every year it has been different, but my childhood Christmas always meant we stayed at home for Christmas morning and lunch then my whole family went to my aunties for a buffet tea and games.

11. Do you open stockings first or presents?

Usually presents first. 

12. When do you put up your tree?

When I was a child we put up our tree 12 days before Christmas now me and liam put ours up the 1st of december.

13. Least favourite part of Christmas?

It ending, and the stress of making sure everyone has presents!

14. Any unusual traditions during your Christmas?

I dont think so we always go to church Christmas eve even though we are not Religious (does that count)

15. Favourite childhood Christmas memory?

Laying in bed one Christmas night convinced I could hear sleigh bells coming from my living room.

I would love to Tag….

@Chloeluye from

@KTmummy from

@Hellobexa from

@AshlieghParry13 from

So that is day one of blogmas complete! I cant wait to see everyone elses posts! I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xxx