
Looking Ahead To Summer

Today has been such a wonderful day and I have been in the best mood. I think the main reason for this has been down to the weather. Today has been so bright and sunny and has been filled with blue skies. I cant help but start to think ahead to warm days and late summer nights. I simply can’t wait!
As today was just so beautiful me and Liam decided to go for a lovely little walk in our local town. Our town has a river and a pathway has now been created that runs by the side of the river, its a perfect little 40 minute walk and me and Liam love it! Today was the first walk off the year and it felt so refreshing and I can’t wait for many more in the warmer months.

During the walk I could not help think about spring and summer. I started to think about everything that I wanted to do during these months. These aren’t goals, these are just 10 things I would love to do this summer. I suppose we could call this my Summer 2018 bucket list!

This year I would love to…

  • Have a beach day in Cromer
  • Have a picnic with my nieces and nephew
  • Go on lots of walks
  • A Family BBQ or many!
  • Have a nap in the sunshine
  • Make Home made lemonade
  • Go on a drive and listen to loud music
  • Have drinks in a Pub Garden
  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors
  • Go to the Zoo

To finish this post I thought I would include a few of the pictures we took while on our walk. I am so pleased we got out the house and enjoyed the sunshine and I definitely cant wait for more days like this, Roll on Summer!

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I hope you enjoyed the included pictures, and hearing my summer bucket list! Do you have anything planned for this spring and summer? anything I should be adding to my list?

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx

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Achieving Happiness

26157479_199145647305656_2075757303314776064_n.jpgHello! My name is Yasmin, I’m a university student and a fellow blogger and the amazing Fernie kindly asked me to guest post on her blog! This is a lovely opportunity, and I’m very excited about this post! I will be talking about one of the hardest journeys most of us face in our lives, reaching a point where we can truly say we love ourselves, inside and out.

I will be sharing some tips I believe can truly help you reach a place of self happiness, whatever that means to you…

#1 Do one nice thing for yourself daily – This could be taking a walk, making your favourite drink, or allowing yourself half an hour to indulge in a good book. Whatever it is, do it and don’t feel guilty about it! We must treat ourselves well, we work so hard sometimes we just need a break.

#2 Forgiveness – This can be difficult, but moving on from your mistakes and viewing them as a learning curve and not just a complete disaster can be a huge help.

#3 Stop comparing yourself – Comparing your looks, traits, strengths, and weaknesses to other people’s will not help you feel better about yourself. Our uniqueness is what makes us different from all those people, and why all your friends and family love you.

#4 Cut toxic habits and relationships – People and activities that bring you down do nothing for your self love. Cut the people and things from your life that don’t bring you joy, happiness and peace.

#5 Self care ritual – It’s so important we slow down every now and then to take time for ourselves to relax. I love to have a shower, put on a face mask and paint my nails and toes as my little self care routine, it really does help you feel great about yourself!

#6 Notice the beauty around you – Take a moment the next time you step outside your door and appreciate all the beautiful things that surround you. There is beauty everywhere, and loving your environment and surroundings can help you learn to love yourself.

#7 Track your success – Keeping track of all the things you accomplish can be a great way to show yourself that yes, you can do things and you are amazing! It’s a great little book to keep and look back on when you’re not feeling too brilliant, it helps to reiterate all the reasons you’re needed and appreciated.

#8 Meditation – Regularly practising meditation can be immensely helpful. It helps you destress and be happy with yourself. There are plenty of free youtube videos demonstrating guided meditation practises, why not give one a try!

#9 Exercise in a way you enjoy – We all know the benefits regularly exercising can bring, but it doesn’t have to be a painful process you dread every day. Find a form of exercise you enjoy. This could be running, yoga, the gym, a team/individual sport, or even dancing! Find something that suits your mindset and your body will thank you!

#10 Get out there and own the world! – Enjoy your life, accept your mistakes and move on to a brighter place, live in appreciation of all the good people and things that surround you, focus on the positive, don’t neglect yourself and most importantly, love who you are!

I hope you enjoyed this post, and thanks again to Fernie for giving me the opportunity to write it! Lots of love to everyone!

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Monthly Wishlists

Dear 2018

After a short break over the Christmas season, I am back with a new post. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and received some lovely gifts. I am so ready for 2018. I have deep cleaned the flat, the Christmas decorations are down and I have been thinking about some goals I would like to achieve in the year of 2018.

If you have any goals for 2018 I would love to hear from you, we can do this together!

My Main goal is to be a happier and more content version of myself and I have a few ideas about how ill get there!

Number One:

This is going to be the hardest to achieve. I have decided its time I  started loosing weight again. Earlier last year I Managed to loose nearly two stone and I felt amazing! this really helped improve my mental health and my acne too. The past few months I have slipped back into old habits and the weight has tumbled back on!  My goal is to loose 2 stone, its going to be hard but I am sure I will get there, if anyone else has a similar goal to me, please get in touch I am thinking about creating a twitter group chat so we can all offer each other motivation and support.

Number Two:

I am a lover of routine, however the past few months my life has followed no routine and its starting to really bother me. I am going to spend the month of January working on cleaning routines, day time routines and night time routines. Basically I need a routine for everything haha! My blog posting  has not followed any sort of schedual also so I have been thinking about it and have deciede on the following…


Number Three:

Drink more water, this sort of links with Number One, I hardly drink enough water, I drink plenty of tea if not too much but no where near enough water. I aim to drink at least a litre of water a day, this is going to be tricky but I am going to try so hard. This will hopefully also stop me from snacking. Fingers crossed I can do this!

Number Four:

I am a big advocate for “me” time, however in all honestly the past few weeks I have not taken enough time for myself to just relax and be me. Its time I listened to my own advice and take some time out my busy life and relax.

Number Five:

This is my last one and I think its going to be equally as hard as Number One. Its time to let things go! I am constantly getting myself upset or annoyed because of the tiny little things in life. its time I just let it go and not let it bother me any more. I have no idea if this will be achievable but giving it my very best go will hopefully equal to a happier more contented me.

I would love to hear what you think of my goals? have I taken on too many? if you are interested in my little group chat idea let me know I would love to hear from you.

Hope you all have a lovely New years and I shall be posting again on Monday with a food shop haul!

Cheerio For Now,

Fern x

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A Christmas Poem

Today I have felt ever so poorly, I came home from guide camp then I felt awful. I was then sent home from work, so today’s post will have to be a little one I’m afraid. Unfortunately I don’t have time to write what I ordiginally have planned so today I thought I would share with you this lovely poem I found and now love….

Our Christmas tree, stood straight and tall, We had it standing in the hall, With decorations, sparkling bright, And baubles, glittering in the light, Rich tinsel laced around branches wide, With bells and bows, that could be spied Hiding among the dark green pine, In silver and gold, boldly they did shine, And at the very top, such a wondrous sight, A star was placed there, which gave delight. The whole effect so pleasured the eye. We planted it outside, now it’s 18 feet high. This year it will once again, be a thrill, Hung with big coloured lights, in the crisp winter chill

This poem was written by the poet Ernestine Northover on the 25th March 1943. I love it and it really makes me feel festive and cosy! 

Hope you like this poem as much as I do, sorry it’s only a little post but fingers crossed I’ll be back to normal tomorow! 

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx


A Letter To You…

My blog posts I have had planned have had to go on hold, this week has been crazy! I have gone self hosted which is super exciting! Work has been crazy, if any of you work in retail you can imagine how busy it is! And to top it all off The washing machine has broken along with our toilet! It’s been a busy week! But I’ll be back on the proper posts on Monday for sure! 
For today Post I thought I would write a letter to you, I haven’t seen anything like this before, So I hope you like it….

Dear Reader….

I hope your Christmas is full of love and laughter, However your spending your Christmas Day I hope it is the most enjoyable and perfect day you have ever had. Christmas is a day of celebration, So I really do hope you celebrate to the max! For me my Christmas is going to be crazy busy visiting lots of family, we can’t fit it all in one day so our Boxing Day has become a Christmas Day extension with another Christmas dinner and visiting more family. It’s going to be so lovely. I hope you are able to see all your family over the festive period. Family is so precious, and it’s at times like these we need to show each other. How much we really value and love one another. 

While I hope Santa brings you lots of amazing presents, because you really do deserve to be spoilt. I hope you get as much joy from giving some gifts to. Gifting presents is such a lovely way of showing someone just how much they mean to you. Christmas is a day of giving not only receiving. 

I must dash, I have so much to do! It the guide and rangers Christmas camp today and I need to prepare my self for 20 sugar hyped teenagers! Best I start packing too! 

I really do hope your Christmas is everything you ever dreamed of! Thankyou for taking a little bit of time out of your day to read my letter. That means massive amounts to me and so am forever greatfull.

Merry Christmas and A Verry Happy New Year! 

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx


Liam’s Christmas List

For todays post, I thought I would do something slightly different and special, by now you must all be so fed up with all my posts, so today we are mixing it up. Today my partner Liam is taking over my blog and is guest writing for me. He is going to be telling you all about his favourite things about the Christmas season.

hope you enjoy and be kind to him haha!

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx


Hi its Liam, here is a list of my favourite things to do with Christmas! 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

1. Snow Days

Due to current weather in England, it has reminded me how much snow makes everything seem much more festive, we don’t get it very often, maybe once every 2 years if we are lucky but it changes the whole atmosphere, at least for a few days. Walking through town to see the snow covering the roads and paths, people out helping others stuck in the snow. It empathises on the word community, everyone working together to help others in need and that’s what I feel like Christmas is all about!

2. Food

I am a big fan of food, anything and everything, I will most likely eat and I also seem to be blessed of not putting any weight on no matter how much I eat which is a bonus. My favourite Christmas food has to be Pigs in Blankets, I could literally eat an entire plate of them! Whoever thought of simply wrapping sausage with bacon is a genius!

3. Spending time with Family

As me and Fern are now moved out and we are going to my parents for Christmas morning and her parents for Christmas evening. Spending time with family around the Christmas holiday and especially Christmas day, is one thing that I could not live without, everyone happy, spending time with each other, opening presents and having a big laugh, just what family’s should be doing on Christmas!

4. Christmas Films

When me and Fern are both off from Work, its nice to just sit down and relax while watching a film, one of my favourite Christmas films is obviously Elf, which has to be on everyone’s list and of course Home Alone, which coming to realise while writing this, I am yet to watch this Christmas, must add it to the list before Christmas finishes!

5. Presents

Wrapping presents has to be one of the most iconic Christmas things to do, simple boxes which take less than a minute to wrap and then everyone’s favourite, the annoying triangle or cylinder shape present which takes a life time to wrap. Luckily Fern is good at wrapping so ill just stick to the nice and easy ones while she handles the annoying ones 🙂


Well this has been my little list of what Christmas means to me, just the little things which all add up to make Christmas one of the best times of the year!

Hope you’ve enjoyed and ill see you again soon!

Bye, Liam.



Christmas Shopping Tips and Tricks

I feel as if today’s post links really nicely with yesterdays post, if you have not already had a little read of my Christmas gift guide for her, then you can find it here. Today’s post is all about my tips and tricks for ensuring all your Christmas shopping runs smoothly and stress free.

Start Early

For me this is so important, we have such a huge family so its vital I start thinking about budgets and what I would like to buy everyone.I start the whole process off in September by buying a new notebook, that I dedicate to all my Christmas needs. I will then allow my self some time to write a list of everyone I would like to buy gifts for and look at my finances and decide suitable budgets.Without spending a little bit of time doing this ill go crazy and spend all my money and have hundreds and hundreds of presents to wrap and gift. These lists keep me focussed.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

I have picked up some amazing presents and really good prices by just keeping my eyes on lookout while I am out and about. I do this as soon as I have written my list and If I see it I buy it. The amount of times I have seen something and a week later its gone and not to be brought back into stock is heart breaking. By Picking up bits and bobs over a few months and storing them away is so handy, you end up with some amazing gifts and really good prices and when the shops are super busy with everyone doing there shopping you are almost done so you can enjoy the festive season even more.

Shop With A Focus

Sometimes you cant pick up everything in little bits so you need a big shopping trip.Its important to do this with a plan and plenty of time.Allow time for browsing and long queues. Bring a friend or family member and make it an event! stop for lunch and have a lovely day, enjoy the festive displays and the atmosphere.

Before you go agree on the shops you would like to visit and what your looking for this keeps your shopping focussed and then your only entering shops you need to. if you have some spare time you can always wonder round the shops you didn’t have planned

Wrap As You Go

Dont leave all your Christmas wrapping to the last minute, you wont enjoy it and it can become very boring. I love wrapping presents and I love spending time to add bows and Ribbons. I enjoy wrapping presents , I usually make myself a hot chocolate listen to Buble and wrap away. I find if I wrap presents as soon as I buy them I enjoy it alot more, I also love looking at the piles of presents building up under the tree. it makes me super happy.

I hope you have found my tips and tricks helpful, if you have any more please let me know! I still feel like I havnt quite mastered the Christmas shopping but I am getting there.

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xxx


My Snow Day

Today is a slightly different kind of blog post, and it’s defiantly not what I had planned for today but giving the weather I Thought you may like to have a little read. Today I am going to tell you all about my snow day! Hope you enjoy! 

Today Britain woke up to a white blanket, it was beautiful! Like a child I woke up at 8 o clock and was up and dressed by half 8 ready for a snowy walk with Liam! I was so excited about the snow it even gave me a nose bleed! Everything looked beautiful and the snow was untouched it was our very own winter wonderland and it was magical! 

We walked to Liam’s mum and dads and popped in for a cup of tea, it was well needed as we definetly needed to warm up! We stayed and watched the cars struggling up the hill, I can’t lie it was a little exciting seeing whether or not the cars would make it! Then we had a cup of tea with Liam’s grandad who popped round his mums. It was lovely and I felt so cosy being all cosy and warm with lots of cups of tea! 

After that Liam went home he needed to get ready for work, I was invited to stay for a sausage casserole and I gladly accepted a Cooked meal beats a tin of soup any day! 

When Liam’s grandad went home we walked up to Liam’s Nans house for some biscuits and more tea. The snow was super thick and it took three of us to push a buggy through the snow, we must of looked so comical to anyone that was watching us. 

By the time we got home it was around three o clock and not long till the sausage caserole. I decided to stay at their house and catch up on my social media and as I sit with yet ANOTHER cup of tea and a small pepperoni pizza I am writing this, happy days! 

The plans for the rest of the day are simple! Drink hot chocolate eat yummy food and then later have a pamper night and watch a Christmas film! This honestly makes me so happy! I wish everyday could be a snow day! 

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my day! If you would like more posts like this let me know, I have acctually really enjoyed writing it! Also send me your snowy pictures I love seeing them! 

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx


November Favourites

What a busy month November has been, I have had my birthday and gone on holiday and I have really focussed on my blog this month, Thank you to everyone that has given me so much love and encouragement, it really does mean the world to me. The month has gone super fast but I have a few random things I wanted to show you. During all the madness of the month these favourites have always been by side. what have your favourites been?


Simple Kind To Skin Light Moisturiser

this product has been well used this month, will the cold weather my skin has taken a beating so I needed to up my skin care routine. I found this and the back of my skincare stash and gave it ago. My skin has never felt better for using this twice a day. its a perfectly light moisturiser for me, I have oily skin so I need a light moisturiser and this works amazingly. Its super cheap to so I will 100% be buying it again. Good job simple!

Nivea Hydro Care Lip Balm

Keeping with a skin care theme, I have loved using this lip balm, my lips had started to become dry one day and this was the first thing I found, its perfect. Its plain and simple with no fancy stuff. I love it. it keeps my lips super soft even through bitter coastal winds while on holiday at 10 out of 10

Christmas Leggings

brought last year, I came across them again this year while sorting through my clothes, I tried them on to see whether or not they still fit and I fell in love with them once again. These are the softest and most cosy leggings I have ever come across.I am sure I brought these from Primark so will have to see if this year they are doing them again. I have been wearing these non stop and I am sure I will continue to wear them right the way through till Christmas.

Tetley Super Green Tea  Berry Blast

being a huge tea drinker and being on the go all the time, when I saw this I had to buy it. this tea claim to reduce tiredness and fatigue and I completely support that. Come 11 o clock in the morning I am shattered, so I have been drinking this then and I have seen a massive difference. the tea tastes really scrummy to which actually makes me look forward to drinking it. I brought this in my local Sainsburys for around the pound mark so if you see it make sure you pick it up. its really worth it.

All Things Christmas

Towards the end of this month I have been in a massive Christmas hype. I have been loving all things Christmassy, Christmas songs especially. I have been listneing to christmas songs 24/7 which Liam has found highly annoying.I am so ready for blogmas I am super excited! are you?

And that is November all wrapped up and finished. What have your highlights of the month been, I would love to hear them. hope your November has been a good one. I cant wait for December its by far my favourite month of the year!

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx




fashion · Holidays

Holiday Look Book

So this is the last post in my little holiday series, we started off with a cabin tour then two holiday diary and now we are finishing with my holiday look book. Im excited, are you?

these are my outfits that I wore during my week in Norfolk.Ill start of with the items i wore alot! due to space in suitcases and practicalities I only took a few items. But i tried to create a couple of different outfits from a very limited wardrobe. How do you think I did?

My coat is from Dorothy Perkins and I love it! its the perfect length for me, being small I find this is always a struggle, but Dorothy Perkins have created a coat perfectly for me, the hood is small enough to actually fit round my head so that I can still see ( always a bonus) if your interested in this coat click the link here!

I wore the same boot pretty much everyday, these boots are mega old and brought super cheaply from the original factory shop, these boots were perfect in keeping my toes warm and comfy while on walks and exploring the town.


20171116_194301Today I wore a jumper that I recently brought from the Charity shop, check out my charity shop haul here! the jumper was from primark originally and I love it. I wore my black Eden jeans from Dorothy Perkins these are my favorite kind of jeans, they stay black for ages and are very hard wearing, I would highly recommend. I curled my hair and wore minimum makeup. I wanted today to be comfy as we was travelling.




Today I decided to wear a black jumper from the charity shop, that was originally from next. I loved wearing this jumper, it defiantly kept me warm during our woodland walk. I matched this with Blue wash Eden jeans from Dorothy Perkins, along with my blue boots and coat.


Today was a busy day out! its was super misty and foggy as well so was really hard to get photos, so sorry about the quality! Once again I wore my black Eden Jeans from Dorothy Perkins, along with my coat and boots. I wore with it a super old button shirt from Primark. its a super warm shirt that I have had for years and its kept really well, hopefully they still do these as I would love to purchase more of them.


I’m not going to lie to you I spent all day in my pjs, yep don’t judge me! however we did go out for dinner so I did get ready and dressed for that. I decided to wear black leggings from gold digger (these are the best black leggings!)  and another charity shop shirt, that was originally from Dorothy Perkins. to cover my toes I wore some little black heals from New look.  I curled my hair and slapped some makeup on my face. I was ready to go!


Today was a greasy hair, no makeup kinda day, we were travelling home so I’m guessing that’s okay :/ I wore black leggings again from gold digger and a top from Primark, I love this top its so pretty. it was very chilly today so I wore it with a black cardigan from Matalan and off course my boots, scarf and coat.

And that’s what I wore during my winter holiday, because we was doing so much walking and the weather was freezing warmth and comfort was of top priority! This is also the last holiday post in the little series, this makes me sad as now I feel like the holiday is really over, now to look forward to BLOGMAS! exciting posts ahead so keep a look out for those!

Cheerio For Now,

Fern xx