
Achieving Happiness

26157479_199145647305656_2075757303314776064_n.jpgHello! My name is Yasmin, I’m a university student and a fellow blogger and the amazing Fernie kindly asked me to guest post on her blog! This is a lovely opportunity, and I’m very excited about this post! I will be talking about one of the hardest journeys most of us face in our lives, reaching a point where we can truly say we love ourselves, inside and out.

I will be sharing some tips I believe can truly help you reach a place of self happiness, whatever that means to you…

#1 Do one nice thing for yourself daily – This could be taking a walk, making your favourite drink, or allowing yourself half an hour to indulge in a good book. Whatever it is, do it and don’t feel guilty about it! We must treat ourselves well, we work so hard sometimes we just need a break.

#2 Forgiveness – This can be difficult, but moving on from your mistakes and viewing them as a learning curve and not just a complete disaster can be a huge help.

#3 Stop comparing yourself – Comparing your looks, traits, strengths, and weaknesses to other people’s will not help you feel better about yourself. Our uniqueness is what makes us different from all those people, and why all your friends and family love you.

#4 Cut toxic habits and relationships – People and activities that bring you down do nothing for your self love. Cut the people and things from your life that don’t bring you joy, happiness and peace.

#5 Self care ritual – It’s so important we slow down every now and then to take time for ourselves to relax. I love to have a shower, put on a face mask and paint my nails and toes as my little self care routine, it really does help you feel great about yourself!

#6 Notice the beauty around you – Take a moment the next time you step outside your door and appreciate all the beautiful things that surround you. There is beauty everywhere, and loving your environment and surroundings can help you learn to love yourself.

#7 Track your success – Keeping track of all the things you accomplish can be a great way to show yourself that yes, you can do things and you are amazing! It’s a great little book to keep and look back on when you’re not feeling too brilliant, it helps to reiterate all the reasons you’re needed and appreciated.

#8 Meditation – Regularly practising meditation can be immensely helpful. It helps you destress and be happy with yourself. There are plenty of free youtube videos demonstrating guided meditation practises, why not give one a try!

#9 Exercise in a way you enjoy – We all know the benefits regularly exercising can bring, but it doesn’t have to be a painful process you dread every day. Find a form of exercise you enjoy. This could be running, yoga, the gym, a team/individual sport, or even dancing! Find something that suits your mindset and your body will thank you!

#10 Get out there and own the world! – Enjoy your life, accept your mistakes and move on to a brighter place, live in appreciation of all the good people and things that surround you, focus on the positive, don’t neglect yourself and most importantly, love who you are!

I hope you enjoyed this post, and thanks again to Fernie for giving me the opportunity to write it! Lots of love to everyone!

Here are some of my links:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itstheblondelife/

My blog: https://itstheblondelife.wordpress.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/theblondelifex


27 thoughts on “Achieving Happiness

    1. Ohh yes! I’m 100% going to be taking these on and hopefully as a result achieving a higher state of happiness! 💓


  1. So great list of tips! Everyday happiness is a combination of small things and these tips are really helpful. So many to relate to. Like said, great tips, great post. Thank you for sharing :)!


  2. I love your #6 – there are so many beautiful things in nature and even city streets around me, and I sometimes just need to take a moment to breathe and really look at them. Lovely guest post all in all and motivates me to try a longer meditation session today!


    1. I love this! I always feel if you are aiming to write something down it becomes more concrete and your more likely to do it! 💖💗


  3. Great post! These tips are so useful and true. 😊 I definitely should start tracking my proces and successes more! Thank you.


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